6 Quick tips to Help Start Coping with Divorce.

I was recently invited to collaborate on an expert panel and share some insights on how to cope with divorce.  I wanted to share with you my 7 best tips from that article.

  1. Ask for support when coping with a divorce.  This process can feel very lonely and shameful. It can feel tempting to shut everyone out. Don’t! Let your loved ones provide support. Make time for friends and family.

  2. Ask for help.  If you have children, becoming a single parent is one of the most stressful parts of life post-divorce. Needing help doesn’t mean that you made the wrong choice or are failing as a parent. Create a list of “go to” people that can help with the children when needed

  3. Take time to care for yourself if you're struggling with divorce.  We all know the recommended things we should do to feel better. Eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, take time to relax. We have all heard them because they work. You don’t have to do everything at once, just start by implementing small daily habits

  4. Find yourself.  Take the time to do things you enjoy. Don’t know what that is? Start experimenting. Try new things and repeat the ones you had fun doing.

  5. Deal with your emotions when coping through divorce.  The grief/anger/hurt/betrayal you feel is real. Give yourself time to process these feelings.

  6.  Take the time to analyze yourself.  It’s easy to blame your partner for the demise of your marriage, however, as the saying goes, "it takes two to tango." It’s important to understand what role you played in your marriage not working out. This will help you not make the same mistakes twice. A professional therapist is a great resource to do this with.

You can read the full article here: How to Cope with Divorce

You don't need to go through a divorce alone. Contact us today so one of our therapist can help you get through this difficult time.


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