Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

4 Tips That Will Help Singles Achieve Happiness and Success in Dating

Even though we talk a lot about marriage and increasing that connection between you and your partner, not all of our clients are married or in a serious relationship. Many of our clients, in fact, come to us because they are either wanting to step into the dating world or are currently trying to find someone to date.

Along their dating journey, they’ve discovered that they have some issue, something blocking them from being successful and finding happiness in relationships.  Those blocks might be lack of experience, self doubts, low self-esteem or a tendency to pick the wrong person.

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Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

6 Steps for Success with Dating Online

Dating has changed A LOT over the last couple of decades, and even more so over the past few years. Standard dating advice about where to meet potential love interests used to include meeting someone at a bar or being introduced by a friend. Even getting set up on a blind date felt somewhat exotic! But nowadays, almost all of our dates can be considered “blind” as more and more people are reaching for their tablets and phones to meet potential love interests on dating sites and apps.

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

4 Tips for Introverts to Make Dating Easier

Dating. To some of us, it’s just one of those things that you do in life. You eat, you sleep, you date. It’s not a big deal. But for so many others out there, dating is an intimidating ritual that we put ourselves through in order to potentially find ourselves a mate. Between friends, social media, and online dating sites, there are no shortage of dating options out there. But for introverts, it takes extra effort to date. Introverts must step outside of their comfort zone and share a piece of themselves with someone else.

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Starting Over: How to Date After Divorce and Why You Should

Putting yourself out there to date again after a divorce is scary. You are hurt, gun shy and the dating world as a whole has certainly changed.  It may have been 20 years since you’ve been out on a date or just 20 months. As tempting as it can be not to put yourself out there again, to give up on relationships or to be negative about finding someone to share your life with can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Starting Over: Dating After the Death of a Significant Other

Whether it’s expected or sudden, losing a partner is always a devastating heartbreak. The finality of the loss of the love of your life, and the idea that you will move forward in the world without them by your side, might be one of the most difficult challenges you will face.

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Dating Do's and Don'ts from a Couples Therapist

We've all been there - the world of singles - a place that while fun and exciting, can be just as anxiety-provoking for many. As couples therapists, we are armed with tools that make relationships work, which gives us the ability to help coach individuals to make good dating decisions. We understand the many challenges that dating in today's world presents:

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