Managing Stress When You’re Out of Time for Self-Care: A Therapist’s Guide for Busy Parents
Ah, the modern-day parenting hustle. Your kids are off to piano lessons, soccer practice, dance recitals, and who knows what other extracurriculars they’ve somehow picked up during a 30-second chat with their friends. Meanwhile, you’re wondering when the last time was that you had a moment to yourself without feeling like you’re forgetting something.
Spoiler alert: It was probably during your last solo trip to the grocery store—if you can even call that a “break.”
Building Bridges: Nurturing Healthy Communication Between Parents and Teens! (video)
Do you find yourself struggling to get through to your teenage child(ren)?
Maybe you’ve noticed it more difficult to communicate and connect with your teenager than ever before!
If so; you aren’t alone!
In this month’s Therapy Moment, Sarah Davidson, MFT, LPC provides some tips on how to better connect with your teenager!
How To Be a Better Co-Parent! (video)
Do you find yourself distracted or challenged in your co-parenting efforts?
If so; you aren't alone!
In this month's Therapy Moment, Kevin Saurer, LPC, NCC shares with us the ABC Model of co-parenting to help overcome the struggles many feel!
Consistency is KEY in Parenting (video)
When it comes to parenting styles, you may say no two are the same. What works for one family may not for the other, and situations are handled differently - not only from household to household, but sometimes even from parent to parent under the same roof! So how do you parent effectively when your views and styles differ from your partner's? Consistency is key, and Breanna Mann is telling us all about it in the latest Monthly Therapy Moment video! Check out the video for tips on how you can set expectations for your children while reducing parenting stress in your relationship!
Co-Parenting Strategies for Divorced Parents
Going through a divorce can bring the worst out of a couple that once promised to love each other forever. Your world might feel like it’s falling apart and your feel unsure about your future. Trying to co-parent when you’re struggling to simply keep going can be overwhelming, especially when it may feel like the ex disagrees with every parenting choice that you are making . Learning to co-parent won’t be easy, but it is possible. Bellow are five strategies that you can start employing now to help you co-parent with your ex.
Are You Parenting with Emotions?
The school year started and inevitably, your family is stressed out again. Kids being back in school means you are juggling work with school schedules, dealing with teachers, homework, and rebellion from the kids following summer vacation.