Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

Setting Boundaries so you have Healthy Conversations About Tough Topics ( video)

There is A LOT going on in the world right now. With anxiety-inducing and emotionally-charged issues coming at us from every direction, it's inevitable that we're going to come across people with opinions we don't agree with, and some that may even make comments or statements that make us feel uncomfortable.

This is never an easy situation to be in, but when it's someone in your family, these conversations can be even more difficult to manage.

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Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT

3 Tip for Better Conversation Around Holiday Stresses (video)

Your family likely has their own traditions when it comes to celebrating the holiday season, just as your partner's family probably has their own.   It can be tough to decide who's family you'll celebrate with and which traditions you'll participate in - or maybe you and your partner want to start creating your own!  The holidays are fast approaching and despite this typically being a joyous time of year, you may find yourself having some difficult conversations with family regarding which holiday traditions you'll be participating in.   In this video, Robyn breaks down 3 tips that will help you prepare for these conversations with your partner and your families, minimizing your stress around the hustle and bustle of the holidays!

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