Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

Setting Boundaries so you have Healthy Conversations About Tough Topics ( video)

There is A LOT going on in the world right now. With anxiety-inducing and emotionally-charged issues coming at us from every direction, it's inevitable that we're going to come across people with opinions we don't agree with, and some that may even make comments or statements that make us feel uncomfortable.

This is never an easy situation to be in, but when it's someone in your family, these conversations can be even more difficult to manage.

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Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

6 Steps for Success with Dating Online

Dating has changed A LOT over the last couple of decades, and even more so over the past few years. Standard dating advice about where to meet potential love interests used to include meeting someone at a bar or being introduced by a friend. Even getting set up on a blind date felt somewhat exotic! But nowadays, almost all of our dates can be considered “blind” as more and more people are reaching for their tablets and phones to meet potential love interests on dating sites and apps.

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

5 Ways to Lower Contempt and Strengthen Your Relationship!

You remember the feeling, don't you? You know - the feeling you got when you and your partner first got together. You felt so safe in their arms, and so secure with a simple kiss. You wanted nothing more than to be around them; breathe in their air; dwell in their space; because it felt like home. It was home.  And it was probably hard to imagine that feeling could or would ever leave you.

But then one day, it’s gone. 

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Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT

Ways To use mindfulness to calm stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness is a great skill that can help with a whole host of issues, including stress and anxiety - which many of us are currently experiencing more than we're used to! In this month's therapy moment, Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT, shares a quick and easy beginner's mindset tip.  Plus, find out Robyn's favorite technology-based apps!

Give this activity a try and let us know how it works for you!

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Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT

5 Ways to Get Better at Picking Battles in Your Relationship!

Have you ever gotten into an argument with your partner that you later looked back on and felt shame or embarrassment over? You know, the ones we regret because they are over something so petty or small? From raised tension and stress within your relationship, to even questioning the reality of the relationship (and your sanity!), seemingly small yet frequent arguments can have a rather large impact on an otherwise healthy relationship.

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Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

Managing Your Anger Effectively ( Video)

We've all experienced anger. It is inevitable that things will make us angry, sometimes more often than others. But how we manage our anger can make a big impact on how we resolve the issues that brought on the anger in the first place, and make a big difference in our relationships and for our general mental health.

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Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

8 Ways To Get Your Relationship Back on Track, Today!

There is a kindness movement happening in our society now that’s promoting and encouraging people to complete acts of kindness for others.  Often referred to as “Random Acts of Kindness”, due to the targeting of strangers, we see these stories on social media, and even on the news, and a lot of times we’re easily inspired to take action with small and simple, yet effective acts that spread joy and positivity to those around us.

So why do we do it?

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Don't Undervalue the Power of "Thank You!"

“Thank You” is a phrase that’s often taken for granted, but can pack a powerful punch – especially when addressing your partner.  Check out this month’s therapy moment from Irene Schriener to learn more about the importance of putting politeness at the forefront of your relationship!

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Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT

5 Reasons Why You Can’t Fix Your Spouse with Therapy

Couples come to therapy for a wide variety of reasons.  Infidelity, trust, communication issues, loss of that “spark”, or even just the stressors and pressures of daily life can lead to strain within our relationships - and that’s only a few reasons!  At Solid Foundations, we can attest to how wildly successful couple’s therapy can be, and we’ve even seen instances where individual attendance can impact both parties and improve full relationships!

The reason individual attendance to couple’s therapy can be so successful is because of the change and mindset that’s required of each individual in the relationship. 

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Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

Is Your Partner at the Bottom of Your "To Do" list?? (Video)

We're back with the first Monthly Therapy Moment of the New Year!

This month, Breanna reminds us how important it is to make our partners a priority and not shift your relationship to the bottom of the list. Spend a month trying this tip and see if it makes a difference in your connection with your partner.

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Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

The Do's and Don'ts of Talking about Infertility

Picture this:  You have been waiting for the perfect moment, and you and your partner finally agree that it's time for you to have children. Everyone around you has already started having kids and you feel confident that you are at the perfect stage of your life to do the same. So you start to try.  Month after month nothing seems to happen, but everyone is reassuring you that everything will be fine, these things take time, and that it will happen when it happens.

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Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

3 Ways to be Intentional with your Partner. (video)

We're back with your Monthly Therapy Moment! This month, Jazmine breaks down how you can be more intentional with your partner, and improve your relationship! Spoiler alert: It's more simple than you think and these three small tips can make a BIG difference in your relationship!

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

4 Ways You Can Set Healthy Boundaries in Your Relationship and Beyond!

Boundaries are often thought of as imaginary lines or bubbles surrounding us that we prefer for others not to cross.  While that’s true to an extent, boundaries within your relationship are much more comprehensive.  We have been trained to believe that if we have to set boundaries in our relationships, then we are creating a wall between us and our partners. That’s simply not true! When done well, boundaries are essentially just healthy "rules" that can actually help bring you and your partner closer together.  In this article, we’ll look at 4 ways you can set healthy boundaries in your relationship that will benefit both you and your partner!

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Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT

3 Tip for Better Conversation Around Holiday Stresses (video)

Your family likely has their own traditions when it comes to celebrating the holiday season, just as your partner's family probably has their own.   It can be tough to decide who's family you'll celebrate with and which traditions you'll participate in - or maybe you and your partner want to start creating your own!  The holidays are fast approaching and despite this typically being a joyous time of year, you may find yourself having some difficult conversations with family regarding which holiday traditions you'll be participating in.   In this video, Robyn breaks down 3 tips that will help you prepare for these conversations with your partner and your families, minimizing your stress around the hustle and bustle of the holidays!

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Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT

5 ways to Support a Partner with Chronic Pain or Illness

Oftentimes, when one thinks of what a relationship will be, they picture a partnership; a union between equals. It is no secret that achieving that ideal partnership requires a lot of work from both partners and that it can be a challenge to maintain, even for those in excellent physical health  But when one partner has chronic pain or a chronic illness, it brings forward a whole new reality that - while not impossible - makes the feeling of equality within that partnership more difficult to achieve. It is usually near-impossible for the partner without the condition to fully understand how it affects their partner without being able to experience it themselves, and in addition to the physical stresses on his/her body, the person with the chronic condition may also have feelings of guilt or inadequacy because they’re not be able to keep up with the kids or contribute to the household as much as they would like.

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Using the Platinum Rule to Help Your Relationship (Video)

We've all heard of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you'd like done to you.  But what if we told you that can actually land you in trouble when it comes to your relationship?   In this video, Irene Schreiner breaks down the Platinum Rule, including actionable tips that will help you adjust your perspective and strengthen your relationship with your partner!

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

The “D” word: Dealing with the Devastation of Divorce

The “D” Word; We’ve all heard it.  Most of us have supported friends or family members through it.  Maybe you’ve even gone through this terribly difficult transition on your own. Divorce.

Divorce is no easy feat.  appointment today!

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