Kevin Saurer, LPC Kevin Saurer, LPC

When to Start Couples Therapy: Key Signs It's Time to Seek Help!

Do you question if it's the best time to start couples therapy?

Have you been experiencing recurring issues that just won't resolve?

Maybe you fear you won't make progress or feel the "ship has sailed" and it's too late to reignite the spark you once had.

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Kevin Saurer, LPC Kevin Saurer, LPC

How To Better Manage Stress!(video)

Do you find yourself easily stressed out or annoyed by common every day mishaps?

Maybe; your friend ran late to meet you for dinner or it took your partner longer than usual to reply to your latest text message.

These are all examples of things that can cause stress but did you know that you can control how you react to them?

In this month’s Therapy Moment, Kevin Saurer, LPC, NCC shares with us some ways to reduce the impact that events have on us to better manage our stress!

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Kevin Saurer, LPC Kevin Saurer, LPC

Unbreakable Minds: Exploring the Power of MENtal Toughness in Men.

If you search for tips on mental toughness, you will most assuredly find information regarding winning, managing grief, military experiences, business doctrines, and parenting tips.

These are all concepts commonly associated with mental toughness and resilience, but is there an actual definition of this term, and if so, why does it become so contorted and misconstrued at times, specifically by men?

The reality is that mental toughness should probably be renamed mental equilibrium or balance, and reference to toughness only serves to misguide most people, specifically many of the male clients that I have worked with in my career.

Being mentally tough does not require us to “take the pain” and suppress our feelings.

Quite the contrary, actual mental toughness does require the highest level of emotional awareness and deepest levels of vulnerability.

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Kevin Saurer, LPC Kevin Saurer, LPC

How To Rethink The Definition Of Failure!

When I work with clients one of the primary things that I hear at some point is a statement that goes something like this.  “I know I should try and do these things, but it’s hard, and what happens if I don’t succeed?  Then I’ll fail.”  

Embedded in that statement is a very simple premise, the idea that failure is bad.  

As the clients continue to talk it becomes clear that not only is failure bad, but it’s often one of the biggest things holding people back from genuine change.  

But what is failure?  

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Kevin Saurer, LPC Kevin Saurer, LPC

How To Have Conversations About World Issues

Everyday there seems to be something in the world happening that is really hard to deal with. Whether it be racial injustices, shootings, war on other countries, politics and so much more, these things are not easy to deal with, let alone talk about, and they all impact us in different ways. As much as it would be easier for us to ignore or pretend like nothing is going on, that’s not the reality we live in. 

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