Is it Possible to Rebuild Trust After an Affair?
For many people, the discovery of a spousal affair is the ultimate betrayal. We see many couples in our offices whose relationship has been devastated by an affair. And yet, the betrayal by one does not necessarily decrease the love of either party for the other. Often times both people in the relationship are in great pain and are desperate to fix the pain that was caused. When you still love someone but the trust has been significantly damaged, is it possible to mend the relationship? Can marriages be rebuilt after an affair?
3 Questions to Ask After an Affair
Discovering that your partner has been unfaithful can feel devastating. On top of the unspeakable pain from the sexual betrayal are the lies they have told – either through words or by their silence. It is common for people to feel completely lost once they discover the infidelity and not know how to feel or react to the situation. The individuals come to us for affair recovery are often spinning after an affair has been uncovered. They are often angry, hurt, exhausted and looking to us to provide them with some direction. One of our first is to help them gain some of their footing again and start evaluating their options.
Avoiding the Slippery Slope. 5 tips to keep your marriage safe from an affair.
The slippery slope in work with couples means - the dangerous path of justification that leads to emotional or physical cheating on your partner. Often times our work with couples begins after an affair has already occurred - one or both partners has been justifying their actions along a continuum that may have started fairly innocently, but day by day grows more and more dangerous, resulting in the biggest betrayal to a relationship
3 Signs Your Relationship is in Danger of an Emotional Affair
The Ashley Madison hacking scandal has brought the public’s attention to just how prevalent cheating is in our society. While there are people who deliberately seek out an affair, many other unintentionally move down the relationship slippery slope, find themselves developing inappropriate feelings and crossing boundaries.