The secret weapon to a successful relationship, is a “whole” you! The 6 ways to help you get there.
You may be asking yourself, why a relationship therapist is talking about the importance of being a whole person, and not a relational topic like affairs or how to communicate better.
Well, in my years of being a therapist one of the major themes that continues to show up that keep people stuck in their relationships is people’s inability to spend the appropriate time needed to do the work to be their best selves.
Have you ever heard the saying “To love others you must first love yourself”?
How To Best Discuss Sex With Your Partner (video
Do you struggle with how to bring up the topic of sex with your partner without hurting their feelings or starting an argument?
In this month's Therapy Moment, Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT gives us some tips on how, when and where to bring up the topic of sex so you can effectively discuss the topic with your partner and address what you like or dislike when being intimate with one another.
How to Survive Mom Guilt!
Have you ever felt “mom guilt” while raising your children?
I know I certainly have!
Whether you’ve never heard of mom guilt or can’t escape its relentless grip, mom guilt is defined by being an invasive, all-encompassing, persistent feeling of not doing enough as a parent!
It is the fear of falling short of expectations or making decisions that may “mess up” your kids in the long run.
5 Action Steps to Recovering From A Betrayal!
Have you ever felt like your relationship suffered due to a betrayal or lie that you told? Maybe it was a small fib or it could have been something much bigger that you felt like you’d never recover from.
Whether it was one lie, a slew of them or an affair, the concept of dishonesty is present in all relationships, so know you are not alone!
I know how difficult it can be for a relationship to bounce back after a lie has been discovered.
4 Steps To Help Self-Soothe In Moments of Distress
Have you ever noticed your heart rate increase or your body temperature change whenever you go through a distressing situation?
I know I certainly have!
It can be something as simple as anger or anxiety that causes your internal body chemistry to change. Or maybe it’s feelings of panic or sadness that seem to overcome you.
Whatever it happens to be, with all of the ups and downs of the past year, it’s no wonder a lot of people feel as if they are struggling to find ways to navigate their moments of distress.
4 Rules for Fair Fighting ( Video)
Now that we've started a new year, let's make it a priority to find better ways to resolve conflict with your partner!
In this month's Therapy Moment, Jazmine Price, ALMFT gives us 4 tips on how to fight more fair and to better resolve issues with your partner.
How to set New Year goals the SMART way!
Have you ever heard the phrase, “new year, new me”?
I sure have!
I don’t know about you but I’ve been guilty of making some New Year's resolutions simply because it felt like the thing to do!
In our culture, it seems there is some unwritten rule that since there is a brand new year it must be time to hit the restart button on all our toxic or unhealthy behaviors and start over.
There are many ways people create these New Years resolutions.
Using Soft Emotions to Bring your Partner Closer (video)
Did you know that leading with "soft emotions" can help you better connect with your partner during times of conflict?
In this month's Therapy Moment, Irene Schreiner, LMFT teaches us the difference between soft and hard emotions and explains why soft emotions allow others to move closer to you during times of frustration.
4 Tips That Will Help Singles Achieve Happiness and Success in Dating
Even though we talk a lot about marriage and increasing that connection between you and your partner, not all of our clients are married or in a serious relationship. Many of our clients, in fact, come to us because they are either wanting to step into the dating world or are currently trying to find someone to date.
Along their dating journey, they’ve discovered that they have some issue, something blocking them from being successful and finding happiness in relationships. Those blocks might be lack of experience, self doubts, low self-esteem or a tendency to pick the wrong person.
5 ways to stay mentally healthy during this ongoing Covid season
I think we can all benefit from a mental check in right now, so let me ask you something!
How are you doing? How are you taking care of yourself? How do you need to be supported right now?
I don’t know about you, but I have had to ask myself those questions more frequently and the truth is it's okay not to be okay.
The reality of what we are living through has caused most of us to take a pause and reevaluate what’s important to us and for us in life.
5 Tips To Help Rebuilding Sexual Intimacy
Couples often begin therapy because they feel like their sexual intimacy is in a rut. They complain that they have grown apart, that they are not feeling loved, or that they do not feel important to their partner. They worry that they will never return to how they “once were” early on in their relationship and question how to rebuild their sexual intimacy after what feels like a dry spell.
One Tip to Make Conflicts with Your Significant Other Smoother (video)
Arguments and disagreements happen! But they don't all need to be painful or keep you stuck. There are effective way to resolve arguments with your partner? Check out this video from Solid Foundations therapist Robyn Ashbaugh, ALMFT where she talks about one helpful tip to make conflicts with your significant other more productive and help you reach resolution quickly.
6 Way to Self-Soothe When You’re Feeling Triggered
Does being reminded of an incident, trauma or difficult memory from your past trigger you to act or feel unlike yourself? Do you notice a change in your demeanor, attitude, physical or mental well-being when this happens? People often seek therapy to help gain the tools needed to better understand the things that set them off and how to process them. While you may not have full control over your own triggers, it is important to learn how to respond to them more skillfully to help improve the overall quality of your life.
10 Ways to Fight with Your Partner More Productively
Couples who begin therapy typically do so in an attempt to make progress on an existing issue within their relationship, oftentimes something related to communication (or lack thereof!), or arguing (or doing it too frequently!). They come into therapy asking questions like “Do we fight more than we should?”.....”What’s normal?”....”How often do other couples fight?”
Every Couple NEEDS a We-Nook in Their Life! (video)
Move over Man-Cave and step aside this month's therapy moment, Irene Schriener, LMFT is introducing us to the We-Nook!
Get the scoop on this sacred space for you and your partner, and learn how you can create one TODAY in this video. (Hint: No trips to Home Depot required - it's easier than you think!)
If you and your partner have a We-Nook or a similar space, we'd love to hear about it! Share the details or your photos in the comments below!
5 Ways to be More Compassionate to Yourself
If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’re a little more hard on yourself than you’d like to be. Showing compassion for others often comes easy, and more so to those we’re close with. Yet when it comes to the closest relationship we have of them all - the relationship with ourselves - we tend to be less understanding or forgiving of our missteps, while judging ourselves much more harshly than we do others.
We’re going to give you plenty of tips and inspiration on how to negate these behaviors, BUT before we get started, show yourself some compassion
Combating the Different Forms of Defensiveness (video)
Do you find yourself in defense mode often? If so, you're not alone! Being on the defensive is more common than you might think, but having the ability to recognize it AND the tools to combat it will make a world of difference!
In this month's therapy moment, Breanna Mann, LMFT breaks down what defensiveness could look like for you, and teaches us how to combat defensiveness to become better communicators!
What Happens When I’m No Longer Physically Attracted to My Partner?
The existence of the “honeymoon” phase is one of the most commonly denied or unacknowledged phase in relationships. We know it exists, and we know that we’re likely to exit it eventually (especially if we’re not proactively working on ourselves and our relationships!), but new couples deep in the throws of the honeymoon phase are usually the first to deny its validity.
And honestly - it makes sense. When we’re in the beginning stages of a new relationship, we’re excited!