Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

The Importance Of Having Realistic Expectations Of Your Partner! (Video)

Do you expect your partner to "complete you" and meet all of your needs at any given moment?

If so; you aren't alone!

In this month's Therapy Moment, Irene Schreiner, LMFT shares with us the importance of having proper expectations of your partner so that you can be successful in your relationship.

Plus learn why meeting some of your needs outside of your relationship will actually make it stronger.

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Victoria Mahoney, ALMFT Victoria Mahoney, ALMFT

How To Acknowledge And Overcome Your Triggers.

Have you ever been triggered by your partner? 

Maybe your spouse offered you some advice on how to do something around the house better and more efficiently. You took that as your partner being condescending so it triggered you to get defensive.

If you’ve ever felt this way; you aren’t alone! 

Your partner may not have meant to elicit that kind of a response from you but you can’t help but feel the way you do.

So, how do you work past feeling triggered by the things your partner may say or do?

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Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

One Tool To Instantly Improve Any Interactions With Your Partner! A-B-C…It’s As Easy As 1-2-3

Are you currently experiencing what many couples do that have been together a while? Possible stagnation, going through the motions, negative interactions, a loss of connection, etc. These things happen over time and tend to build. Today I’m going to teach you a tool that you can use to combat these experiences and strengthen your relationship again. 

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Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

What is an LGBTQIA+ Ally And How Can I Be A Good One?

As our world becomes more accepting of broader and more diverse identities, you may have questions about how you can better support the LGBTQ+ community, or what LGBTQ+ even stands for.

Every person has their own journey in understanding what it means to support LGBTQ+ people, whether you’re LGBTQ+ or not. We hope this resource can help you begin that journey.

First, let’s define what it means to be an Ally!

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Kevin Saurer, LPC Kevin Saurer, LPC

How To Have Conversations About World Issues

Everyday there seems to be something in the world happening that is really hard to deal with. Whether it be racial injustices, shootings, war on other countries, politics and so much more, these things are not easy to deal with, let alone talk about, and they all impact us in different ways. As much as it would be easier for us to ignore or pretend like nothing is going on, that’s not the reality we live in. 

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Victoria Mahoney, ALMFT Victoria Mahoney, ALMFT

How To Better Empathize With Others (video)

Do you struggle with how to empathize with others?

Oftentimes, people listen to a loved one share something troubling going on in their life and their initial reaction is to help them "solve" or "fix" their issue. What's often missed is the importance of empathizing with their difficult emotions first.

Empathy is incredibly important because it allows you to connect with someone important to you on an emotional level.

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Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT

Processing Difficult Emotions Using “RAIN”

Do you ever notice your emotions get the best of you when confronted with conflict?

 It’s easy to get lost in your reaction or emotional response to things that sometimes it can be difficult to reflect on what’s truly happening in the present.

Mindfulness can be a useful way to reflect on the present moment.

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Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

Nine Ways to Influence Your Partner to Go to Couples Counseling.

Do you want to start couples counseling but fear your partner may be turned off by the idea?

A common statement heard in a therapist’s office is, “We need help, but my partner is hesitant about couples counseling”.

If you feel this way about your partner, know you aren’t alone! There are ways to help encourage a positive conversation with your partner about the benefits of doing couples counseling together.

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Irene Schreiner, LMFT Irene Schreiner, LMFT

How to Identify and Gain Trust!

Are you currently struggling with the topic of trust within your life? If you are, know you aren’t
alone as trust is something that many people struggle with.

Trust is something that is difficult to identify but we often know within our gut whether we have
trust for someone or not. In fact, you may be surprised that many people find that they lack trust
even within themselves.

Since trust is a tricky thing to identify and put into words, I wanted to share with you something
I’ve come across that helps in explaining it to my clients.

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Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

How to set New Year goals the SMART way!

Have you ever heard the phrase, “new year, new me”? 

I sure have!

I don’t know about you but I’ve been guilty of making some New Year's resolutions simply because it felt like the thing to do! 

In our culture, it seems there is some unwritten rule that since there is a brand new year it must be time to hit the restart button on all our toxic or unhealthy behaviors and start over. 

There are many ways people create these New Years resolutions.

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

5 Ways to Lower Contempt and Strengthen Your Relationship!

You remember the feeling, don't you? You know - the feeling you got when you and your partner first got together. You felt so safe in their arms, and so secure with a simple kiss. You wanted nothing more than to be around them; breathe in their air; dwell in their space; because it felt like home. It was home.  And it was probably hard to imagine that feeling could or would ever leave you.

But then one day, it’s gone. 

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Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT

5 Reasons Why You Can’t Fix Your Spouse with Therapy

Couples come to therapy for a wide variety of reasons.  Infidelity, trust, communication issues, loss of that “spark”, or even just the stressors and pressures of daily life can lead to strain within our relationships - and that’s only a few reasons!  At Solid Foundations, we can attest to how wildly successful couple’s therapy can be, and we’ve even seen instances where individual attendance can impact both parties and improve full relationships!

The reason individual attendance to couple’s therapy can be so successful is because of the change and mindset that’s required of each individual in the relationship. 

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

4 Ways You Can Set Healthy Boundaries in Your Relationship and Beyond!

Boundaries are often thought of as imaginary lines or bubbles surrounding us that we prefer for others not to cross.  While that’s true to an extent, boundaries within your relationship are much more comprehensive.  We have been trained to believe that if we have to set boundaries in our relationships, then we are creating a wall between us and our partners. That’s simply not true! When done well, boundaries are essentially just healthy "rules" that can actually help bring you and your partner closer together.  In this article, we’ll look at 4 ways you can set healthy boundaries in your relationship that will benefit both you and your partner!

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

3 Simple Ways to Avoid Relationship Burnout

Burnout, it’s a term we hear often in our society.  You get burned out emotionally, physically, and mentally when we are under excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs often times when you are feeling overwhelmed and drained. It can occur in any part of our lives - at work, at school, or even in our relationship. Being burned out in any one area of our life can lead to a lack of motivation and issues in the other areas of our lives

Relationship burnout can happen to any of us.

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Staff Therapist Staff Therapist

Healthy Grieving After Losing A Loved One

We have a guest blogger visiting our site today. Lucille Rosetti is the creator of  Having lost some of the people closest to her, she understands what it’s like, and how it can be an emotional roller coaster that doesn’t always seem to make sense. She created her website as a means of sharing tools to help people through the grief process. Keep reading for some of her tips on how grieve in a healthy way...

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

3 Ways Individual Counseling Can Help Your Marriage

Even happily married couples can hit obstacles along the way. When this happens, couples can either go it alone and try to work through their issues themselves, or they can seek the guidance of a trained and experienced marriage counselor. While some couples feel their problems should be kept private, many more are finding the value of seeking help from an impartial and nonjudgmental third party. Even if your partner isn't willing to join your, there are things  you can work on individually that will help your marriage.

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Am I in a Relationship with a Narcissist?

It's a dreaded question. It's possibly a question that you have half-heartedly asked yourself dozens of times without being fully ready to believe the answer. If you suspect your significant other has narcissistic traits, your relationship could be in a world of hurt. Reason being, people who possess these traits can be emotional con-artists, zapping you of your energy and making you question yourself at every turn,

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