Check Your Facts (video)
We're talking about emotional recognition with staff therapist Jazmine Price during this month's Monthly Therapy Moment. Watch to learn how you can "Check Your Facts", a powerful exercise and mindset technique that will help you control your emotions while communicating more effectively!
Easy Ways to Change Your Perspective & Stop Arguments for Good
It is not uncommon to occasionally have arguments with your partner. In fact, arguments in a relationship could even be considered common, or at least normal. (Maybe even considered TOO frequent depending on the relationship!) While fights are to be expected, the outcomes of any conflict with your partner can heavily depend on both your preparation for the conflict, as well as consideration of your partner’s perspective during the argument.
In this article, we’ll look at some of the common mistakes that many couples make during a fight
Are You Litigating Your Fights? (video)
What do lawyers and couples have in common? Are you guilty of bombarding your partner with questions you already know the answer to, to try and prove a point? Check out this video from Irene Schreiner at Solid Foundations Therapy to learn how you can recognize and redirect these negative behaviors while communicating with your partner. Your relationship will thank you!
5 Common Obstacles That Keeps Couples From Dating Each Other and Tips to Overcome Them.
When you first start seeing someone, dating is easy. Everything is new about that person. Every experience together is new. You want to make that extra effort and make everything special. You make plans in advance.
But once you’re with someone for a while, especially if you are living with that person, date nights seem to be pushed by the wayside. The responsibilities of real life seem to get in the way and taking time for one another seems to happen less and less. You see each other everyday, why put purposeful energy into planning something, right?
Benefits of Letting your Partner Share their Stress (Video)
June's monthly therapy moment is from Robyn, staff therapist at Solid Foundations Therapy . She discusses why allowing your partner to come home and unload (even through it might feel like complaining), is beneficial to your relationship. It helps better your communication and makes your partner feel understood. Let us know in the comments if you try this with your significant other.
3 Simple Ways to Avoid Relationship Burnout
Burnout, it’s a term we hear often in our society. You get burned out emotionally, physically, and mentally when we are under excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs often times when you are feeling overwhelmed and drained. It can occur in any part of our lives - at work, at school, or even in our relationship. Being burned out in any one area of our life can lead to a lack of motivation and issues in the other areas of our lives
Relationship burnout can happen to any of us.
How to Set Boundaries with Extended Family Members (video)
Check out the latest video from Breanna Mann, staff therapist at Solid Foundations Therapy. She discusses the challenges that couples face when setting boundaries with extended family members and provides some tips to overcome those challenges.
5 Ways to Support Your Partner with Their Individual Goals
As soon as you enter a relationship, you no longer have just yourself to think about. You now have to keep in consideration the needs of your partner. In order for your relationship to be successful, you must know how to meet those needs in a way to best serve your partner. That goes along with know how to best serve the goals and aspirations of your partner as well. Since being in a relationship means that you are a cohesive unit, it is not only in your partner’s best interest, but yours as well to support them in whatever journey they embark on. Think of their success as your success. Their happiness as your happiness.
Don't Wait Until it’s Too Late: 4 Reasons Why Using Therapy for Relationship
We all want our relationships to be successful. After all, if we are entering into a relationship with the belief that it will fail, then what is the point? Unfortunately, things do happen.
The reality is that sometimes relationships fail, sometimes due to things we have done wrong or other times due to circumstances seemingly outside of our control. One thing we can control is how quickly we get help.
Why "How is your day?" Killing Your Connection... (video)
Check out why Irene Schreiner, LMFT things that asking the question "how was your day?" actually lowers your ability to connect and what you should be asking your partner instead.
3 Reasons Couples Therapy is Necessary to the Recovery of Addictions
Addiction is more prevalent in our households than we realize. Individuals can be addicted to any number of things including drugs, alcohol, gambling, or even sex. An addict cannot successfully recover by simply stopping the addiction. They need to have a support system in place and the ability to make lasting changes in their life.
Intent vs Impact in Romantic Relationships (video)
This monthly therapy moment is brought to you by Robyn Ashbaugh, ALMFT. This month we talk about intent versus impact in romantic relationships. Intentions mean very little when your words land on the other person in a negative way. Follow Robin's advice on how to manage your intent and impact better.
4 Tips for Introverts to Make Dating Easier
Dating. To some of us, it’s just one of those things that you do in life. You eat, you sleep, you date. It’s not a big deal. But for so many others out there, dating is an intimidating ritual that we put ourselves through in order to potentially find ourselves a mate. Between friends, social media, and online dating sites, there are no shortage of dating options out there. But for introverts, it takes extra effort to date. Introverts must step outside of their comfort zone and share a piece of themselves with someone else.
Is Your Anxiety Driving You? (video)
Check out this awesome metaphor for anxiety from Breanna Mann. Learn a quick way to identify how much control your anxiety has at any moment and a few ways to put yourself back in charge quickly.
4 New Year's Resolutions to Revive Your Relationship
A new year is almost upon us, can you believe it? Now is the time of the year that I like to advise others to take a look at how the past year has gone, especially if you are in a relationship. Take a look at what went well between you and your partner. Think about the things that you could have done differently in your relationship and use your resolutions for the new year as a stepping stone to improve yourself and your relationship. To get started, ask yourself the following questions:
One action to boost your sex life. (video)
In this monthly therapy moment we're going to be talking about sex. This tip will give you one thing you can do to make sure that you have sex more often while avoiding the day to day drudgery that sets sex on the back burner
How Couples Therapy can Help you Reduce Conflict and Regain Intimacy
It’s natural that over time, many couples start to feel disconnected from one another. It may be the result of life changes (i.e. one of you starting a new career or a new baby is brought into the household), it may be a result of the relationship not going how you imagined it would when you first started dating or it may simply be that you and your partner have fallen out of sync. You’ll find yourself starting to fight more with your partner, feeling that the spark is dwindling, if not gone, and you’ll start nitpicking every little thing that each other does. Here at Solid Foundations Therapy, we strive to teach you how to recreate connection and improve your relationship.