How to Integrate Self-Care into Your Daily Routine (video)
Do you ever have a bad day and struggle with how to not let your mood effect everyone you come into contact with?
Maybe you feel scared, anxious, depressed or even angry over something that happened and struggle with how to overcome those negative emotions.
In this month’s Therapy Moment, Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT provides a tool on how to implement self care into your daily routine which can help especially when you are experiencing a difficult day!
Unlocking Potential: Understanding Fixed vs. Growth Mindset.
When facing any situation in life, there will be various kinds of barriers that hold people back and various advantages that will propel people forward.
Can you relate?
I know I certainly can!
Some of the factors that determine barriers or advantages are external to people, such as geographical location, socioeconomic status, and access to readily available resources.
However, a big determining factor in barriers or advantages comes down to the mindset one has when facing any situation.
Breaking the Silence: Embracing Courage through Therapy! (video)
Do you have an untold story that you feel is holding you back from living your best life? Maybe it’s trauma you’ve experienced, pain or shame that you’ve been afraid to talk to with other people.
In this month’s Therapy Moment, Victoria Meeks, ALMFT reminds us that therapy is an excellent place where you can come tell your untold story to someone who won’t judge and who will listen and help encourage you to find new freedom from what you may be fearing.
Growth in Discomfort: Embracing the Unfamiliar!
Growth is a personal journey, a unique expedition for each of us. Within the context of your life, it can look like a changed behavior, new actions, or increased insight.
But growth isn’t always a linear progression along a neat and tidy path. Often, it requires us to step into discomfort, to confront the unfamiliar, and to challenge the status quo of our lives.
Yet, within that discomfort lies the potential for transformative growth, leading us to discoveries that leave us feeling more fulfilled and alive than ever before.
Building Bridges: Nurturing Healthy Communication Between Parents and Teens! (video)
Do you find yourself struggling to get through to your teenage child(ren)?
Maybe you’ve noticed it more difficult to communicate and connect with your teenager than ever before!
If so; you aren’t alone!
In this month’s Therapy Moment, Sarah Davidson, MFT, LPC provides some tips on how to better connect with your teenager!
Exploring Mindfulness Through Deep Breathing!
Mindfulness is a hot topic currently! Have you been confused or need clarification on what this means?
By definition, mindfulness can be best summarized as, “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s mind and awareness on/in the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It is used as a therapeutic technique”
Now, how do you “do” or achieve this state of mindfulness?
Love Beyond the Screen: Unmasking Relationship Realities vs. Hollywood Myths! (video)
Do you find yourself comparing your relationship to those you see in the movies?
Maybe you have expectations of your partner based on some of your favorite romantic fairytales.
In this month’s Therapy Moment, Irene Schreiner, LMFT sheds light on some of the relationship myths that exist and explains how real life relationships should be viewed differently!
Navigating Intimacy with Chronic Pain
Let’s dive into a topic that many might shy away from – intimacy in relationships, and the unique challenges it presents when chronic pain enters the picture.
Intimacy is a vital element that weaves emotional connections and mutual fulfillment into the fabric of a relationship. But what happens when chronic pain becomes an uninvited guest? That’s what I’m here to help you better understand!
Let’s explore the complexities and discover ways to maintain that deep connection despite the challenges.
New Year’s Resolutions: How to create goals that last!
While reflecting on the past year I am sure that there are things we all wish we could improve on such as being more active, eating healthier, building stronger relationships; the list goes on.
Starting the New Year off with fresh motivation often prompts us to want to achieve things that we have not previously accomplished. Despite this being a tremendous source of inspiration, the challenge often occurs when we are trying to put these goals into practice.
How To Better Manage Stress!(video)
Do you find yourself easily stressed out or annoyed by common every day mishaps?
Maybe; your friend ran late to meet you for dinner or it took your partner longer than usual to reply to your latest text message.
These are all examples of things that can cause stress but did you know that you can control how you react to them?
In this month’s Therapy Moment, Kevin Saurer, LPC, NCC shares with us some ways to reduce the impact that events have on us to better manage our stress!
Surviving the Holidays: Navigating Family Drama with Grace and Sanity. (video)
Are you currently experiencing drama with your family this holiday season?
If so; you aren't alone! A lot of people feel pressure, stress and anxiety leading up to the many family gatherings during the holidays!
Maybe there are conversations you don't want to have, maybe certain family members don't understand your likes/dislikes or disapprove of the path you are taking in life.
Unplugging the Addiction: Navigating the Social Media Abyss!
Do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media when you are bored?
Does your partner ever point out how you are glued to your phone rather than spending quality time with them?
Have you ever felt the need to compare yourself to those on social media as a way to validate your self-worth? Or maybe your recent social media post didn’t generate as many “likes” as you had wanted and now you are left feeling upset and angry.
These are all common things that happen when we prioritize social media into our daily lives.
Mastering Conflict Resolution: Your Guide to A Stronger Relationship! (video)
Do you and your partner struggle with resolving disagreements you have with one another?
Maybe the same argument keeps reoccurring and you both can’t seem to see eye to eye with one another!
In this month’s Therapy Moment, Maggie Zofkie, LPC, NCC sheds light on how to best resolve conflict with your partner!
Unbreakable Minds: Exploring the Power of MENtal Toughness in Men.
If you search for tips on mental toughness, you will most assuredly find information regarding winning, managing grief, military experiences, business doctrines, and parenting tips.
These are all concepts commonly associated with mental toughness and resilience, but is there an actual definition of this term, and if so, why does it become so contorted and misconstrued at times, specifically by men?
The reality is that mental toughness should probably be renamed mental equilibrium or balance, and reference to toughness only serves to misguide most people, specifically many of the male clients that I have worked with in my career.
Being mentally tough does not require us to “take the pain” and suppress our feelings.
Quite the contrary, actual mental toughness does require the highest level of emotional awareness and deepest levels of vulnerability.
Unlocking the Power of Intentionality: Building Stronger Connections in Relationships! (video)
Do you go out of your way to help your partner feel thought of, loved and supported?
If not; you may not be putting in the time and effort to nurture your relationship.
In this month’s Therapy Moment, Robyn Ashbaugh, LMFT shares with us the importance of intentionality in your relationship!
Overcoming Overwhelm: How to Manage Your Mental "Plate"
Imagine a Thanksgiving dinner spread before you, laden with all your favorite dishes. You fill your plate with mashed potatoes, turkey, broccoli casserole, red jello, corn, carrots, stuffing, and, of course, a slightly burnt crescent roll, generously doused in gravy. As you begin to eat, you realize that you didn’t pause to ask, “Is this enough food?”
Suddenly, you’re uncomfortably full, longing to collapse on the couch. While this scenario may be fitting for Thanksgiving, it often mirrors our lives when we overload ourselves with tasks like work, school, kids, friends, family, etc all expecting you to still show up how they need you. This often leaves us feeling mentally overstuffed and overwhelmed.
Relationship Checkpoints: Building a Strong Foundation for Love and Connection (video)
Have you ever let your relationship go by the wayside due to all the hats you wear? Maybe you’ve been working extra hard at your job, putting all of your time into your kids or simply haven’t been prioritizing your partner. In this month’s Therapy Moment, Sarah Davidson, MA, MFT shares with us the importance of creating checkpoints with your partner and how it can benefit your relationship!
6 Tips For Coping With Ambiguous Loss
Are you struggling to understand and cope with the loss of someone or something that hasn’t passed on?
Do you feel hopeless, confused, sad, unable to sleep, or are you experiencing an inability to move forward as a result of being separated from who you used to know?
If so; you may be experiencing ambiguous loss.
Ambiguous loss is a profound sense of sadness and loss that is not associated with the death of a loved one. It consists of a lack of closure due to either physical or psychological absence.