Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Post-Baby Disconnect? 3 Ways to Stay More Connected After Having a Baby

No matter how many times they were warned, few new parents are prepared for the life-changing event of the birth of their first child. Your time is no longer yours and at times it may feel like you will never get back to the hobbies or self-care activities that you once enjoyed. Relaxing with a glass of wine after work, sleeping in on Saturday, impromptu dates and dinners with friends become replaced with sleepless nights and endless diaper changes.

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Are You Playing the Blame Game? Here's Why You Need to Stop

Blame and game – two words that should never be joined together. The truth is, the blame game is no fun to play and there are never any winners. And, perhaps, the biggest loser of all is the one who is doing all the blaming. When we blame others, we lose our power. Remaining stuck in our feelings of anger, resentment or abandonment only hurts us, not the other person. They eventually move on while we continue our lives feeling mad at the entire world!

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

3 Ways Individual Counseling Can Help Your Marriage

Even happily married couples can hit obstacles along the way. When this happens, couples can either go it alone and try to work through their issues themselves, or they can seek the guidance of a trained and experienced marriage counselor. While some couples feel their problems should be kept private, many more are finding the value of seeking help from an impartial and nonjudgmental third party. Even if your partner isn't willing to join your, there are things  you can work on individually that will help your marriage.

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Avoiding the Slippery Slope. 5 tips to keep your marriage safe from an affair.

The slippery slope in work with couples means - the dangerous path of justification that leads to emotional or physical cheating on your partner. Often times our work with couples begins after an affair has already occurred - one or both partners has been justifying their actions along a continuum that may have started fairly innocently, but day by day grows more and more dangerous, resulting in the biggest betrayal to a relationship

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

The Sulfuric Acid of Love: 3 Ways to Avoid Contempt in Your Relationship

We all want successful relationships and one way to achieve that success is to avoid research proven things that destroy relationships. Studies have shown that the single best predictor of divorce is the presence of contempt. Otherwise known as the "sulfuric acid" of love - quite a description! The reason that contempt is so destructive is that any statement that is considered contemptuous communicates a feeling of disgust to your partner. Contempt develops in relationships because we feel that our needs are repeatedly not met and that are partner owes it to us to meet them.

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

4 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Say “Yes” and Increase Intimacy Right Now

Let's face it: life is busy… and getting busier. As a licensed marriage and family therapist in Downers Grove, I see it all the time.  Sometimes, it feels like everyone needs something from us: kids, family, bosses, and friends. When we are looking for areas to lighten our load, it’s often our relationship that gets put on the back burner.

It’s easy to take our partners for granted. We can justify missing opportunities to connect with excuses like “We need to recharge,” or “Zoning out in front of the TV is just what I need tonight,” or ”We’ll spend time together this weekend.”

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

6 Tips for Dealing with your In-Laws

This time of year we talk a lot about New Year's resolutions, and often that includes resolutions within your own relationship. It pays to reflect on ways that you can make it better many more times than once a year, but a new January is always a fresh start. One topic that can flood the holiday season is how to deal with in-laws! Let's face it - there are things you don't love about your spouse's mom and/or dad, and our guess is they feel the same about yours. We're only human! But, there are ways to make this easier on yourself - plus, a new year is a great time to start focusing on putting these into action. Here are some practical tips for getting along with your in-laws:

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

5 Tips to Tackle Holiday Stress

It's that time of year again! Once Halloween happens we know that Thanksgiving is around the corner, and Thanksgiving is our reminder to get ready for Christmas. The season comes and goes quickly, and as lovely as it is to have days off, spend time with family and decorate the house, it has its stresses too. Often times, the biggest area we see these play out is in our closest relationships

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Am I in a Relationship with a Narcissist?

It's a dreaded question. It's possibly a question that you have half-heartedly asked yourself dozens of times without being fully ready to believe the answer. If you suspect your significant other has narcissistic traits, your relationship could be in a world of hurt. Reason being, people who possess these traits can be emotional con-artists, zapping you of your energy and making you question yourself at every turn,

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Am I being emotionally abused?

Emotional or psychological abuse in a relationship can take a much different, and less obvious in some cases, role in romantic relationships. It may not rear its ugly head in the form of volatile explosions or angry, contempt-fueled outbursts - at times it is more elusive, confusing, or hard to detect. As a victim of emotional abuse, you probably feel low self-esteem, a lack of confidence, controlled, used, manipulated, or what many victims refer to as a constant feeling of "walking on eggshells."

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

How to Navigate Difficult Life Transitions

We at Solid Foundations Therapy know that even the strongest of couples at times are faced with life challenges that create an immense amount of stress in the relationship. Many couples find it is more difficult to communicate through these big life changes. That may be due to how tied each person is to their viewpoint on how the transition should be best handled or their individual fears surrounding change. The communication starts to break town, tempers start to flair and conflict ensues.

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Novelty Date Nights

When we're in love, our brain activity looks the same as it does in regions associated with motivation, craving, and reward. Happy chemicals like dopamine and norepinephrine are also surging like crazy. There is actually research that shows even couples who have been together for decades can show similar brain activity to two kids in love - it just takes a little extra intentional effort!

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

8 Signs You Need Better Communication in your Marriage

One of the most common therapy goals we hear from couples is "we want to improve our communication" - or - "we want to deal with conflict better." By the time many couples join us in the therapy room their bad communication habits are deeply ingrained. We address many different facets of communication during the couples therapy to help couples reach those goals and get them back to a good place. The longer a couple waits to start therapy when needed the harder it is to help them develop the good habits of communication. Here are some signs that your communication habits might be in need of tweaking:

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Spring Cleaning for Your Relationship

Spring is an exciting time of year! It stays lighter a little longer, and we finally feel reprieve from the winter blues. With the change in seasons we naturally have a bounce in our step and a surge in motivation to declutter the messiness in our lives. We want to encourage you to not only purge closets or reorganize your home, but take a look at things you can do to clean up your relationships too!

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

4 Common Myths About Grief

As relationship specialists, at Solid Foundations Therapy, we work with many people who have experienced grief and mourning in their life. During the emotional turmoil that accompanies a loss, it is easy to buy into some commonly held beliefs about grief that unfortunately are not very helpful in the long run. Here are some of the most common myths that we often dispel with our clients:

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

Make your New Year's Resolution Stick

Be realistic:​​ Create 1-3 reasonable resolutions. The longer your list, the more likely you will become overwhelmed and abandon all of them. If you reach your initial goals early in the year, you can always identify new ones!

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Irene schreiner Irene schreiner

I love you but I’m not IN LOVE with you….

I can’t count the number of times a couple has sat on my couch, in our Downers Grove, Il office,  during the first session and one of the partners has said that sentence to the other person. It is a common phrase that people use to try and explain why they are no longer happy in a relationship. Unfortunately, all it highlights is a cultural misconception of romantic love and our desire for relationships to be easy.

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